Mr. Jefferson Navas » Welcome Letter

Welcome Letter



I am so excited to see you all for this coming Academic Year and I know you are excited to go back to school. This year, you will be learning new many things and will be making new friends.


I am Mr. Navas, I will be your 4th Grade Math and Science teacher. I graduated from Philippine Normal University Manila with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics for Teachers. I have been in teaching for 11 years. I worked in the Philippines for 10 years as 1st to 10th Grade Math Teacher and 1 year in Academy of Math and Science Glendale as Middle School Math Interventionist. I was part of trainers group to teach teachers about strategies, professional growth and Singapore Math in the City Schools of Las Pinas and in Mathematics Teachers Association of the Philippines.


I am looking forward to work with all of you this year!




Mr. Navas