K-2 Music
Welcome to MUSIC!
I am so excited to be the K-2 music teacher here at AMS Avondale!
August Music Lesson are on Zoom on Wednesdays from 11-1130!
Topic: Mr. Lowy's K-2 Music
Time: 11-11:30
This course offers a variety of musical learning activities that include singing, dancing, virtual instruments, listening maps, and authentic sound recordings. Students explore beat, meter, rhythm, melody, tonality, texture, form, dynamics, tempo, articulation, style. As well as music in different cultures around the globe. We seek to build on the inherent benefits of music participation that allows students to develop a lifelong love of learning through music.
Students will exhibit an understanding of foundational musical skills, and an interest in pursuing musical education and development. My goal is to excite and inspire students to pursue instrument learning in higher grades and develop a lifelong love of music learning.
If you have any questions or concerns you can reach me at